Forever Independent has been inspected and rated by the CQC. Although some suggestions were made to improve our service (which we have now actioned), our services were described as "caring" and "responsive".
The inspector notes:
The service was caring. People were complimentary of the caring attitude of staff. People were given the information they needed and were involved in planning and reviewing their care. People's privacy and dignity was respected by staff who respected people's home and right to confidentiality.
Further, the inspector observed:
People told us the service was generally responsive to their needs and they were kept informed of any changes. People told us that staff provided support in line with their preferences and promoted their independence. People, relatives and staff were confident the registered manager would respond to any concerns or complaints and we found this to be the case.
You can view the complete report on the CQC website:
Our Accreditation
Registered with the Care Quality Commission